Bacterial production in the recently flooded Sep Reservoir: Diel changes in relation to dissolved carbohydrates and combined amino acid

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut de recherche en biotechnologie du CNRC
FormatTexte, Article
SujetCarbohydrates; environmental; reservoir; bacteria; combined amino acids; new reservoir; phytoplankton; bacteria; bacterioplankton; biomass; carbohydrates; carbon; food web; growth efficiency; lake; mestrophic; new reservoir; organic matter; phytoplankton; planktonic bacteria; water
Date de publication
Numéro du CNRC49068
Numéro NPARC3539788
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Identificateur de l’enregistrementd972a46a-70e7-4b77-bbc9-8e82975206d4
Enregistrement créé2009-03-01
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-22
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