Water ingress detection in honeycomb sandwich panels by passive infrared thermography using a high-resolution thermal imaging camera

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

DOITrouver le DOI : https://doi.org/10.1117/12.918567
AuteurRechercher : ; Rechercher : ; Rechercher : ; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher : ; Rechercher :
  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Aérospatiale
FormatTexte, Article
ConférenceThermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXIV, April 23-26, 2012, Baltimore, MD, USA
SujetAircraft structure; Atmospheric conditions; Composite layer; Core area; De-icing agents; High resolution; Honeycomb sandwich panels; Honeycomb sandwich structure; Infra-red cameras; Mid wave infrared (MWIR); Military aerospace industry; Moisture ingress; Presence of water; Pressure and temperature; Thermal imaging cameras; Water ingress detection; Aerospace industry; Aircraft manufacture; Airframes; Diffusion in liquids; Honeycomb structures; Infrared devices; Infrared radiation; Landing; Nanocomposite films; Sandwich structures; Temperature indicating cameras; Vapors; Thermography (imaging)
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Numéro NPARC21270179
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Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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