Nanoformulation of paclitaxel to enhance cancer therapy

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut national de nanotechnologie
FormatTexte, Article
SujetCancer Chemotherapy; Nanoformulation; Paclitaxel; Pluronic copolymers; water-soluble; Chemotherapy; Copolymers; Diseases; Drug delivery; Enzyme inhibition; Loading; Nanoparticles; Synthesis (chemical); Toxicity; Hydrogels; nanocarrier; paclitaxel; phosphate buffered saline; poloxamer; sorbitan palmitate; antineoplastic activity; aqueous solution; cancer cell culture; cancer therapy; cell killing; cell strain MCF 7; cell viability; cytotoxicity; drug delivery system; drug distribution; drug efficacy; drug formulation; drug solubility; drug structure; drug uptake; HeLa cell; high performance liquid chromatography; IC 50; in vitro study; nanoencapsulation; nanopharmaceutics; nanotoxicology; particle size; physical chemistry; proton nuclear magnetic resonance; scanning electron microscopy; toxicity testing; transmission electron microscopy
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Numéro NPARC21269660
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Identificateur de l’enregistrementa7598d29-2a77-4590-b984-33995bdeea61
Enregistrement créé2013-12-13
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-22
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