Biaxial orientation and properties of polylactide/thermoplastic starch blends

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

AuteurRechercher : 1; Rechercher : 1; Rechercher :
  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut des matériaux industriels du CNRC
FormatTexte, Article
Conférence69th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers 2011, ANTEC 2011, May 1-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
SujetBiaxial films; Biaxial orientation; Chain extenders; Dispersed phase; Elongation at break; Film properties; Interfacial modification; Mechanical performance; Poly lactide; Polylactides; Process parameters; Starch blends; Thermoplastic starch; Twin screw extrusion; Elastomers; Glycerol; Grafting (chemical); Maleic anhydride; Plastic products; Plasticizers; Reinforced plastics; Solvents; Starch; Tensile strength; Mechanical properties
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Numéro NPARC21271913
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Identificateur de l’enregistrement89289437-77ab-4114-a219-bee6ef35faad
Enregistrement créé2014-05-05
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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