Identification of genes involved in the acetamidino group modification of the flagellin N-Linked glycan of Methanococcus maripaludis

Par Conseil national de recherches du Canada

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  1. Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Institut des sciences biologiques du CNRC
FormatTexte, Article
Sujetammonia; flagellin; glycan; glycosyltransferase; threonine; bacterial gene; bacterial growth; bacterium mutant; carbohydrate synthesis; flagellum; gene deletion; gene identification; gene targeting; mass spectrometry; Methanococcus maripaludis; mmp1081 gene; mmp1082 gene; mmp1083 gene; operon; Western blotting; Amino Acid Sequence; Blotting, Western; Carbohydrate Conformation; Flagellin; Gene Deletion; Gene Expression Regulation, Archaeal; Methanococcus; Mutation; Polysaccharides; Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction; Archaea; Methanococcus maripaludis
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Publications évaluées par des pairsOui
Numéro NPARC21269230
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Identificateur de l’enregistrement0761ecf8-9b64-4876-8c00-15af48aee1dc
Enregistrement créé2013-12-12
Enregistrement modifié2020-04-21
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